About Us

Hello world! Tomi here, owner of Rusty Nickel Boutique!

Ok I can do this (she whispers to herself)!

Why did I start this business?

Let me just tell it to ya straight! I was a High School Math Teacher for 7 years. 5 of the 7 I loved my job, then I had my first daughter, Jaycee. She melted me.

They used to call me "Miss Meanie" at school, until Jaycee gave me a soft spot. Well, that soft spot tore..me..up. I couldn't stand the fact that other people were witnessing her "first's" either while I was working. Her first time she found her feet, the first time she rolled over, the first time she crawled...I HATED IT. But, I had to deal with it because we needed the health insurance and the steady income. Plus everyone reminded me of how I had holidays and summers off (even though we really don't, because we fuss and fret about everything and everyone else's kids and education and we leave nothing at work). 

In 2018 I got pregnant with my next daughter, Blakely (which is my maiden name..so cool I know). To put it simply, this ended up being the worst year of my life (truly). When I say it was a bad year, I mean ending up with a road kill badger in your personal freezer at school bad (so actually, the word awful would be more appropriate). Well I knew at that point, it was time for me to go. I didn't know what on earth I was gonna do, but I was gonna find a way to be at home with my babies who loved me instead.

My mother-in-law pushed me to start my own business. Her and her husband are entrepreneurs and they helped me out. My mom helped out too, helping me get started with purses and wallets and helping me at shows and such. We started growing and here I am...ABSOLUTELY LOVING MY LIFE!!! A total turn around.

Our future consists of traveling with my husband who is a Pick Up Man at rodeos and taking our business on the road! We get to spend a lot of time as a family enjoying what we do! We live the ultimate life and I am so thankful for every second!

Thank you to all of my customers who have helped me achieve my goal of being able to spend my time with my babies! You are so amazing!